A little break from the Arctic animals. Anna's hummingbird. Inverness, CA.

A little break from the Arctic animals. Anna's hummingbird. Inverness, CA.

#BTPAnimalPRO – BTP Animal Pro . owned by Nancy Dempsey , curated by Jack Stepanyan

#hqspbirds for HQSP Birds


  1. I love hummingbirds, had a collection by Lenox of them until hubby accidentally broke my magnificent Hummer, boy, did I cry! Mary Myers)me)

  2. Mary Myers You would have liked the B&B I was staying at. There were literally hundreds of hummingbirds in the trees; apparently there were a lot of refugees from the Wine Country wildfires. The B&B had feeders out and there would be 10, 20 of them on the feeders at once.


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