
Showing posts from September, 2015

Another one for the "Weird things I saw at Symb10sis" pile.

Another one for the "Weird things I saw at Symb10sis" pile.

The #supermoon from my front porch.

The #supermoon from my front porch.

Boy, talk about being in the right place at the right time.

Boy, talk about being in the right place at the right time. I caught the green flash tonight shooting the sunset while waiting for the eclipse. I have lived in this house for over twelve years now and I have never seen the green flash before, and I spent weeks looking for it. For awhile, I even convinced myself it must be a myth. It was quick too. I had the shot lined up in advance on a tripod and I would have missed it if I hadn't already had the remote release in my hand.

Onward, Buttercup!

Onward, Buttercup! Symbiosis Events Symb10sis festival Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA

Symbiosis Events Symb10sis festival

Symbiosis Events Symb10sis festival Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA

Meanwhile, at the waterslide...

Meanwhile, at the waterslide... Symbiosis Events Symb10sis festival Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA #hqspmotion HQSP Motion curated by Melania Pierce and Anja Wessels

Opening night

Opening night Symbiosis Events Symb10sis festival

Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA

Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA #hqsplandscape HQSP Landscape curated by Leo Schubert David D Mike Hankey Peter Marbaise Hans-Juergen Werner Shannan Crow

Epic sunrise (unfortunately due to smoke in the air from wildfires)

Epic sunrise (unfortunately due to smoke in the air from wildfires) Symbiosis Events Symb10sis festival, during pre-event setup Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA

Sunset, opening night of Symbiosis Events Symb10sis Festival

Sunset, opening night of Symbiosis Events Symb10sis Festival Woodward Reservoir, Oakdale, CA

Rockaway Beach

Rockaway Beach Pacifica, CA, USA #hqspmotion HQSP Motion curated by Melania Pierce and Anja Wessels